Technical details

The NGSCES-2021 conference will take place on 7th – 10th June 2021. It is organized as an online workshop with keynote, invited and contributed talks. There will be two virtual poster sessions where all the participants can present extensively their work and interact with the other people.
We understand the concerns related to the online format and the hesitation about participation with posters. To address the above we will promote more interactive format with discussion sessions and the round table for poster presenters.

Technical details

Talk duration
Keynote: 45 min + 15 min for discussion; Invited: 20 min + 10 min for discussion; Contributed: 10 min + 5 min for discussion.

Poster session and the round table
There will be two poster sessions. Each will start with the round table, where poster presenters will have 3 minutes to give the overview of their work to a wider audience. It will be followed by individual presentations and discussion in the personal meeting rooms in Zoom. The links to the individual rooms will be shared before the start of the poster session.
For the round table, please prepare one 16:9 powerpoint slide and send it to organizers. For the individual presentation, you are free to use the format your prefer, e.g. multiple slides, one large slide, etc.

Guided discussion session
There will be three discussion sessions on quantum simulators, excitonic insulators and twistronics. During the discussion session, selected panelists will present their overview on the specific problem followed by a free Q&A discussion with other participants.

How to join the webinar
We will use the Zoom webinar package to host the talks, so please make sure in advance that you can connect to Zoom. The link will be sent to participants by e-mail. We kindly ask the speakers of the session to join at least 10 minutes before the start to allow for enough time to assign the roles and give permissions.
The sessions will be moderated and everyone except the speakers will be muted during the talks. You can use Q&A interface to ask questions during or after the talk or raise your hand. The chair will select several questions to be answered by the speaker right after the talk. If your question is selected, you will be unmuted, so please make sure in advance, that your microphone works. The rest of the questions will be answered in the Q&A chat later after the talk or during breaks.

The conference is open to any student/scientist who has registered on the website, provided an e-mail and academic/industrial affiliation.

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