

Maksym Serbyn IST, Austria
Riccardo Comin MIT, USA
Hadas Soifer Tel Aviv University, Israel
Fabian Grusdt LMU Munich, Germany
Roman Mankowski PSI, Switzerland


Aline Ramires                          Paul Scherer Institute, Switzerland
Giacomo Torlai AWS Center for Quantum Computing, USA
Christopher Nicholson University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Yuta Murakami Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Cecille Repellin LPMMC, France
Konstantin Tikhonov Landau ITP, Russia
Dante Kennes RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Elsa Abreu ETH, Switzerland
Antonio Mezzacapo IBM T. J. Watson, USA
Roman Kuzmin University of Maryland, USA
Hlynur Gretarsson DESY, Germany


Contributed talks, posters and discussions:

We anticipate the acceptance of 20-25 contributed talks selected from submitted abstracts

We will organize an extended poster session where everybody can present their work. 

To encourage the discussion in the online format we will organize focused discussions and participants are encouraged to suggest their favorite hot topic. 

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